Why You Need to Try a Japanese Sake Bath Soak
Self-care is always a good idea—and given the anxieties and uncertainties of living in a pandemic, a crucial way to maintain your mental and physical resilience. Baths have been prized for centuries in cultures around the world, and for good reason: Stress causes muscles in your body to contract, and a hot bath can go long way to loosen you up and relieve tension, not to mention elevate your mood, reduce blood pressure, and boost the natural production of melatonin for a more restful sleep. These colorful sake soaks by Basin take your home-bathing ritual to the next level. The bottled concoctions, made from Japanese sake and a blend of all-natural moisturizing oils aren’t for drinking, but rather for adding straight into the tub. Kojic acid, a by-product of the rice-fermentation process used in sake, is said to have soothing, brightening, and anti-aging effects on skin—enough to consider making Sunday sake soaks a new weekend thing. A bonus to the resulting buzz? Zero hangover.