This Cheekily Named Toilet Paper Brand Truly Gives a Crap
While you may find yourself tempted to hoard toilet paper, we hope that, instead of overcompensating, you’ve picked up just enough to get you through the coming weeks. Consider this fact to put the temporary panic-induced shortages into perspective: More people in the world own mobile phones than they do toilets, according to Who Gives a Crap, a cheekily named BCorp on a serious mission to improve the lives of the 2.3 billion people without access to a toilet and basic sanitation systems. Who Gives a Crap also tackles the footprint of the toilet paper industry itself, which often sources virgin wood pulp to make your precious two-ply, if you can believe it. By using recycled materials and donating 50 percent of its profits to supporting in-need communities around the world, Who Gives a Crap is offering the kind of corporate vision and altruism we could certainly use more of, now more than ever. It may very well prove to be a silver lining to this cloud we’re all under right now.