A Low-Maintenance Home Garden for the Botanically Challenged
As people everywhere settle into new home-cooking routines, finding resourceful ways to make their pantry goods stretch a bit longer and keeping trips to the grocery store to a safe minimum—this new wave of domesticity (however involuntary) has also given way to what feels like an update on the 20th-century victory garden. Luckily for apartment dwellers without a backyard or access to much green space (more than half the world, basically), all you need is a corner of a countertop to grow some fresh herbs indoors. Better still, and for the botanically challenged, there are now plenty of advanced “smart” tools to get your green thumb going, such as those offered by Edn. The company makes wifi-controlled kits that come with a built-in LED grow light; simple seed pods for no-fuss, soilless planting; and a smartphone app that will even send you text notifications reminding you when to water. In partnership with One Tree Planted, Edn will also plant a tree for every Small Garden order placed—a welcome reminder, in these uncertain times, that your efforts to stay indoors can make a difference for the greater good, in more ways than one.